The town name “Cainta” was derived from the legend of Ka Inta. ‘Ka’ refers to a term of respect for the elders, and ‘Inta’, short for Jacinta.
Jacinta was a well known rich and generous lady who helped the hungry and the sick. Her house was open to all those who were in need. When she passed away, the people named the town after her, for her good deeds. Another etymology of Cainta is said to be from the two Tagalog words, “Kain Ta”.
As a consequence of the Seven Years War between Britain and Spain, the British invaded Manila in 1762. The British brought along Indian soldiers or sepoys to attack Manila then a Spanish colony. The war ended soon, and Manila was back to Spanish control. However, the Sepoy soldiers chose to stay in Cainta, and settled with the natives. Today, descendants of the Sepoys are very much visible in Cainta, bearing dark skin and prominent Indian facial features.
Influenced by the Indians or sepoys, natives of Cainta learned to make bebinca, a traditional Indian pudding. Cainta’s own pudding is now called the bibingka, it is a renowned delicacy along with suman and latik. Bibingka, suman and latik are Cainta’s famous delicacies and is in fact the core of its yearly Sumbingtik Festival.